The Astro-Meridian Technique offers you a tool for communicating with your astrological houses, and opening and activating their potential. 

This technique provides a very clear and direct link between each meridian and a certain astrological house, and you will be amazed to see how precisely and efficiently this works in practice. This technique links each of the 12 main meridians with 12 areas of life, which in astrology are linked to the 12 astrological houses.

What is Energy Psychology?

What is Energy Psychology?

“Your emotional health, your success in the world, as well as your level of joy can dramatically increase by changing the energy that regulates them. This is the promise of the fascinating new field of Energy Psychology.” - David Feinstein, PhD


AMT (Astro-Meridian Technique)

AMT (Astro-Meridian Technique)

The intention of this program is to share with you the gift of one simple technique for communicating with the most intelligent part of your Mind - your body. By accepting yourself more and more through working on your meridians, you can work with your subconscious programs - your beliefs that are written in your 12 astrological houses.